Nominated: Best Original Work of Theater (2017, Big Easy Entertainment Awards)
A WORLD PREMIERE script (commissioned by Le Petit Theater Du Vieux Carre') by writer/director Jon Greene creates a wild take on the Grimm Tale. Presented in the classic British Music Hall Style of "The Pantomime," the play combines slapstick, audience participation, a current moral compass focused on consent, raunchy innuendo, a prince and princess who reflected the Greater New Orleans Community, and - of course - a healthy mix of buffoonery. Full of wit and spectacle this gut-buster for all ages premiered during New Orleans' Carnival Season.
"Like any truly good children's theater, "Sleeping Beauty: An American Panto," is, first and foremost, simply good theater."
"Together, with a finely chosen cast, they keep the ball bouncing with jokes and sight gags coming at a relentless pace, from the cleverly conceived prologue to the curtain calls that virtually demand a second line."
"[I loved it] and so will anyone who remembers the thrill, the joy, the magic of that first experience of live theater."